St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner and I am in a "green mood". Or at least I am in a "minty" mood. I suppose that not everyone celebrates Keep Reading...

A Food & Recipe Blog
St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner and I am in a "green mood". Or at least I am in a "minty" mood. I suppose that not everyone celebrates Keep Reading...
Hello everyone. If you have been on my blog here at Two in the Kitchen, you know my family just loves to eat Sunday brunch. There is nothing like Keep Reading...
How has this winter been treating you? Personally, I have been very pleased that this has been a mild winter as far as Chicago winters normally go. Keep Reading...
The Superbowl is only two days away. How exciting is that! I am going to reveal a little disclosure here: I really couldn't care less about Keep Reading...
It's the weekend so it's time for another yummy brunch creation! Last week I mentioned that at our house, the weekend is always time for brunch. Keep Reading...
I'm so excited that we are only a few weeks away from Valentine's Day! It is definitely one of my favorite holidays of the year. I love the Keep Reading...
Today let's talk about broken things. Yes, I said "broken things". I know, it's not a common topic to discuss on a food blog but there you have Keep Reading...
Yeah, the weekend is here! There are so many things I love about the weekend. No work for one thing. Spending time with the kids is another obvious Keep Reading...
Well, I sure didn't get very far into January before I was craving indulgent food again! After all, peanut butter and chocolate is one of my favorite Keep Reading...
So how many of you make new year resolutions? And how many of you have already broken yours? Ha, just kidding. Well I don't know if I actually Keep Reading...
I cannot quite wrap my head around the fact that we are now in the year 2016. Seriously?? I still feel like we just had the big turn of the Keep Reading...
Merry Christmas everyone! It has been a while since I've posted any recipes. I have had quite a busy fall and holiday season. My family and I Keep Reading...
October is almost over. How did that happen so fast?? The leaves on the trees right now are a vibrant red and beautiful bright orange. October is Keep Reading...
Halloween always makes me so nostalgic. I can remember my kids costumes through the last several years and it just gets me thinking about Keep Reading...
It is the middle of October and I am all ready for pumpkin! I feel like the fall is already moving so fast. I'm sure that this feeling has Keep Reading...
So a funny thing happened: My last post was for this Orange Dreamsicle Cake that I made for my kid's first day back to school back at the end of Keep Reading...