St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner and I am in a "green mood". Or at least I am in a "minty" mood. I suppose that not everyone celebrates Keep Reading...
Kahlua Frozen Mudslide Dessert
Hello friends. Are you enjoying the start of your summer? My family and I sure are. In fact, we just opened our pool and the kids jumped in after Keep Reading...
Milky Way Brownies
With all the baking I do, there is always one thing I crave more than any other sweet: Brownies. Intense chocolatey, chewy, rich, frosted, yummy Keep Reading...
Mint Chip Brookie Cups
Happy Black Friday!! I hope that you enjoyed Thanksgiving with your family! I had a wonderful day of baking, cooking and eating with mine! Keep Reading...
Marble Frosted Peanut Butter Brownie Bars
Attention all peanut butter lovers: Stop what you are doing and immediately get to your kitchen!! Because I have the most amazing brownies for Keep Reading...
Peanut Butter Brookie Cups
Happy October everyone. Can you believe it is October already?! This is my absolute favorite time of the year. For one thing, both my boys have Keep Reading...
Pumpkin Cheesecake Brownies
Fall is now in full swing and I am really getting into the flavors of the season. So here is my first pumpkin recipe of this year. I know. This is Keep Reading...
Cheesecake Brownies and eating our way through Disney
I really cannot believe that we are in the last week of June and that the 4th of July is next week already! The summer sure does go fast! So I hope Keep Reading...
Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosted Thick and Chewy Brownies
Butterscotch and Toffee Gooey Brownie Bars
Yes, I know that technically with the first of the year we are all supposed to be eating healthier and all. And I actually am beginning to eat better Keep Reading...
Salted Caramel Brownie Shortbread Bars
Like most bakers, I enjoy baking from scratch. You simply cannot compete with the flavor and taste of a baked treat that was homemade without any Keep Reading...
Peppermint Brownies
Yes it is November. Yes it is still more than two weeks before Thanksgiving. And yes, I am already craving peppermint. Maybe it is because it Keep Reading...
Peanut Butter Swirled Brownies
So I am crazy about brownies. They are my all-time favorite dessert in the world. I like all kinds of brownies. Dense, fudgy brownies, Keep Reading...