I have to tell you all that I am in complete denial. I am NOT ready to admit that summer is over and that fall is here. Not just on it's Keep Reading...

A Food & Recipe Blog
I have to tell you all that I am in complete denial. I am NOT ready to admit that summer is over and that fall is here. Not just on it's Keep Reading...
Happy late summer everyone! I honestly cannot believe that I am saying that already. Does it seem like summer flew by extra fast this year to anyone Keep Reading...
Wow Christmas is coming fast this year! I don't know if it is just because Thanksgiving was late this year, or because school lets out late this year Keep Reading...
Thanksgiving may be over, but that doesn't mean that you can't enjoy turkey breast all year long. In fact when it's not Thanksgiving, Erik likes to Keep Reading...
Have I ever mentioned what a lucky gal I am? I mean seriously. Just look at this beautiful pork chop dripping with apricot glaze and understand how Keep Reading...
With Erik's Californian roots he really knows how to grill some great tri-tip! Being from the Chicago area, I never really grew up eating this cut Keep Reading...
I have three words for you: Bacon. Wrapped. Shrimp. Do I have your attention? Of course I do! Who could possibly NOT like bacon wrapped Keep Reading...
When I think of a good pork dish, I think of tenderloin. It is so moist, flavorful and of course, tender. It is so easy to eat and pairs Keep Reading...
Perfectly grilled steak is a staple in Erik's cooking repertoire. In fact, it comprises the base for many great meals that he cooks up on Keep Reading...
Most people probably think of grilling ribs in the summer months. For sure, backyard picnics are the perfect time to nibble on messy, saucy BBQ ribs. Keep Reading...