The Superbowl is only two days away. How exciting is that! I am going to reveal a little disclosure here: I really couldn't care less about Keep Reading...

A Food & Recipe Blog
The Superbowl is only two days away. How exciting is that! I am going to reveal a little disclosure here: I really couldn't care less about Keep Reading...
"Hey mom, what's for dinner?" I don't know about in your family, but in mine, this is the daily question that is asked at least ten times a Keep Reading...
When it's summer time, I tend to crave lighter fare. So when I was in the grocery checkout the other day and spied this America's Test Kitchen Keep Reading...
When I pick up my kids from school, the first thing they always ask me is, "What's for dinner?" My answer to them is always, "food". ;) That Keep Reading...
So I suppose you have heard that there is some kinda big football game that is going on this Sunday. ;) In all honesty, I am not that big into Keep Reading...
Well I don't know what it was like for everyone else, but that was the coldest Halloween I ever remember experiencing!! It actually snowed in the Keep Reading...
Chilaquiles. Doesn't that just sound like a fun word! The first time I heard of chilaquiles was when my husband ordered it at a breakfast joint we Keep Reading...
Happy late summer everyone! I honestly cannot believe that I am saying that already. Does it seem like summer flew by extra fast this year to anyone Keep Reading...
I don't know about you, but in our family, we eat tacos on a regular basis! We like all kinds of tacos. My kids ask me all the time for just Keep Reading...
Weeknight dinners. We all have to make them. And we all know there are many a nights when, after a busy day we just want to get some food on the Keep Reading...
Being a busy working mother of three, I can often struggle with trying to get a homemade meal on the table during the week. When I get home from Keep Reading...
Near my house, in the Chicago area, there is this great hot dog place called Portillo's. Now they don't just sell hot dogs. They have all kinds of Keep Reading...
Did you know that I don't really cook all that often? Now I know that may sound strange since I do have a cooking blog and all. But if you have ever Keep Reading...
Happy New Year! What a great day January 1st, 2014 was for our family! No one had to go to work or school. And since it was literally snowing all Keep Reading...
Wow Christmas is coming fast this year! I don't know if it is just because Thanksgiving was late this year, or because school lets out late this year Keep Reading...
So living in the Chicagoland area, I am a big fan of our area eatery called Portillo's. And as anyone living in my neck of the woods knows, they have Keep Reading...