"Hey mom, what's for dinner?" I don't know about in your family, but in mine, this is the daily question that is asked at least ten times a Keep Reading...

A Food & Recipe Blog
"Hey mom, what's for dinner?" I don't know about in your family, but in mine, this is the daily question that is asked at least ten times a Keep Reading...
Can you believe that I just recently started finding out the joys of using a slow cooker? I am not sure what has taken me so long to jump on the Keep Reading...
When I pick up my kids from school, the first thing they always ask me is, "What's for dinner?" My answer to them is always, "food". ;) That Keep Reading...
Welcome back to our second installment of 'what to do with pumpkin snicker doodles"........besides eating them, of course. ;) On Friday, We made a Keep Reading...
Candy Corn is a type of candy that many either love or hate. I'll be honest with you: I am not the biggest candy corn junkie around. I may have one Keep Reading...
I hope everyone is enjoying their fall! Around the Chicago area, we have been having a very beautiful season. It is starting to get cool, but not Keep Reading...
Here is a last minute quick and easy idea for your SuperBowl party on Sunday! These little yummy triangles are made from refrigerated Pillsbury Keep Reading...
Happy New Year! What a great day January 1st, 2014 was for our family! No one had to go to work or school. And since it was literally snowing all Keep Reading...
Wow Christmas is coming fast this year! I don't know if it is just because Thanksgiving was late this year, or because school lets out late this year Keep Reading...