Hello everyone. If you have been on my blog here at Two in the Kitchen, you know my family just loves to eat Sunday brunch. There is nothing like Keep Reading...

A Food & Recipe Blog
Hello everyone. If you have been on my blog here at Two in the Kitchen, you know my family just loves to eat Sunday brunch. There is nothing like Keep Reading...
How has this winter been treating you? Personally, I have been very pleased that this has been a mild winter as far as Chicago winters normally go. Keep Reading...
It's the weekend so it's time for another yummy brunch creation! Last week I mentioned that at our house, the weekend is always time for brunch. Keep Reading...
Today let's talk about broken things. Yes, I said "broken things". I know, it's not a common topic to discuss on a food blog but there you have Keep Reading...
Well, I sure didn't get very far into January before I was craving indulgent food again! After all, peanut butter and chocolate is one of my favorite Keep Reading...
In my kitchen there are always brownies, cookies, bars, or cupcakes around waiting to be enjoyed as a tasty dessert or snack. In fact, if Keep Reading...
Even though it doesn't feel like it, it really is the middle of summer. I am sitting inside the house right now in the third day in a row of 60 Keep Reading...
Is summer as busy around your house as it is around mine? My kids are busy running around outside, swimming in the pool, and hanging out with Keep Reading...
Hello everyone. You may have noticed that it has been very quiet around here lately. Well, that is because I took several weeks off of blogging. Keep Reading...
Can you believe that I just recently started finding out the joys of using a slow cooker? I am not sure what has taken me so long to jump on the Keep Reading...
Has anyone else noticed that the sun is staying up later and later these past few weeks? I know, I know it's still only the middle of February. Keep Reading...
I am having a hard time believing that Valentine's Day is just a few days away! I love Valentine's Day because it is just so much fun! I love the Keep Reading...
Well I don't know what it was like for everyone else, but that was the coldest Halloween I ever remember experiencing!! It actually snowed in the Keep Reading...
Chilaquiles. Doesn't that just sound like a fun word! The first time I heard of chilaquiles was when my husband ordered it at a breakfast joint we Keep Reading...
Happy October everyone. Can you believe it is October already?! This is my absolute favorite time of the year. For one thing, both my boys have Keep Reading...
With the cooler weather that we have been having lately I am finally getting in the mood for tasty fall food. And anything with caramel and apples is Keep Reading...