So a funny thing happened: My last post was for this Orange Dreamsicle Cake that I made for my kid's first day back to school back at the end of Keep Reading...

A Food & Recipe Blog
So a funny thing happened: My last post was for this Orange Dreamsicle Cake that I made for my kid's first day back to school back at the end of Keep Reading...
In my kitchen there are always brownies, cookies, bars, or cupcakes around waiting to be enjoyed as a tasty dessert or snack. In fact, if Keep Reading...
Who is ready for the 4th of July? In all honesty, I have mixed feelings about it being just a little over 2 weeks away. I mean, in many Keep Reading...
Is anyone else still living in the Halloween aftermath? With the cold this year, we didn't have nearly as many Trick or Treaters and I therefore have Keep Reading...
Attention all peanut butter lovers: Stop what you are doing and immediately get to your kitchen!! Because I have the most amazing brownies for Keep Reading...
Candy Corn is a type of candy that many either love or hate. I'll be honest with you: I am not the biggest candy corn junkie around. I may have one Keep Reading...
Sugar cookies are truly one of my favorite desserts of all time! There is just something nostalgic about biting into a sugar cookie that I find very Keep Reading...
"Carmelitas". Even the name sounds delightful!! Have you ever had a carmelita? You probably have right? And if you have had at least one then, of Keep Reading...
I am so excited that Easter is only a couple weeks away! It is really one of my favorite holidays of the year! I see it as such a beautiful day of Keep Reading...
This past weekend was a special time for our blog. It was our three month anniversary as a blog and I really cannot believe all the fun my husband Keep Reading...
Yes, I know that technically with the first of the year we are all supposed to be eating healthier and all. And I actually am beginning to eat better Keep Reading...