I'm so excited that we are only a few weeks away from Valentine's Day! It is definitely one of my favorite holidays of the year. I love the Keep Reading...

A Food & Recipe Blog
I'm so excited that we are only a few weeks away from Valentine's Day! It is definitely one of my favorite holidays of the year. I love the Keep Reading...
It is the middle of October and I am all ready for pumpkin! I feel like the fall is already moving so fast. I'm sure that this feeling has Keep Reading...
Today was the first day back to school for my elementary aged children. And I as a high school teacher have one extra day off since I don't have to Keep Reading...
Hello everyone and happy Monday!! Today's recipe would best be called "fun in a bowl" but since that probably wouldn't make much sense to the search Keep Reading...
Hello friends. Are you enjoying the start of your summer? My family and I sure are. In fact, we just opened our pool and the kids jumped in after Keep Reading...
So I have been noticing that it has been over ten posts since I have given you a peanut butter and chocolate recipe. That is simply way too long to Keep Reading...
I am getting so excited for Valentine's Day! How about you? Valentine's Day was always one of my favorite holidays as a kid. I just love the pretty Keep Reading...
I don't know about your area of the country, but here in Chicago land we are full blown in the middle of winter. Last week's temperatures were Keep Reading...
3 days and counting! No, not to Christmas. 3 days till my family and I go to California! I can't wait!! Today in the Chicago area it has been Keep Reading...
The countdown begins. We are only a few weeks away from Thanksgiving! I always marvel at how quickly Thanksgiving gets here from this side of Keep Reading...
I hope everyone is enjoying their fall! Around the Chicago area, we have been having a very beautiful season. It is starting to get cool, but not Keep Reading...
I haven't always been a lover of carrot cake. Although I can't remember exactly when I really started enjoying it, I know that it was in my adult Keep Reading...
It's finally starting to look like spring outside! The sun is shining and it doesn't set until about 7 pm which means summer really is right around Keep Reading...
I love starting my day with a yummy sweet treat. So it goes without saying that coffee cakes are some of my favorite things to bake. This particular Keep Reading...
You might have noticed that I have a big sweet tooth! I mean, there is really no reason to start a dessert and food blog if I didn't. I know some Keep Reading...
This past weekend was a special time for our blog. It was our three month anniversary as a blog and I really cannot believe all the fun my husband Keep Reading...